
Apply Blush Flawlessly According To Your Face Shape.

Blushes are an important part of makeup. You can create flawless skin with foundation, concealer, highlighter, etc. but if your face does not have a hint of color, the whole makeup will start looking flat. Hence blushes bring life to your face. Did you know that blushes also do a lot more? If you apply them according to your face shape, blushes can slim or elongate your face, as per the need be. Apply Blush Flawlessly According to your face shape with these simple tips.

(*Image courtesy: aliexpress.com)

#1: Square Face Shape. If your face shape is square then you should apply the blush on the apples of your cheeks. This will soften the edges and will make your face look more defined.

#2 Round Face Shape. If your face shape is round then you should apply your blush along the cheekbones and sweep it upwards to elongate and slim the face. This method of applying blush will slim down your face and give it a toned look.

(*Image courtesy: pinterest)

#3 Heart Shaped Face. This shape needs to overshadow the prominent chin. For this, you must apply Blush Flawlessly under the cheekbones and sweep them upwards. This trick will soften the chin area and balance the facial features.

#4 Long Face Shape. Long face shape needs some widening. For this apply the brush on the apples of your cheeks and sweep them horizontally towards your ears to widen your face. This will give a wide effect thereby balancing the length of the face.

#5 Oval Face Shape. This face shape is easiest to work makeup with. For this apply the blush on the apples of the cheeks and sweep it upwards for a very natural look.

(*Image courtesy: pinterest)

These were the tips with which you can Apply Blush Flawlessly According to your face shape. Your blush does much more than giving colour to your cheeks. Doesn’t it?