
Arabian Beauty Secrets

Arabian women are known for their beautiful eyes and flawless skin. There is a certain degree of mystery related to Arabian Beauty. We should dwell deep into Arabian Beauty Secrets and exhume the secrets that keep them fresh, glowing and beautiful. Let us know about the well kept Arabian Beauty Secrets.

#1: Olive Oil. The secret starts with olive oil. Arabian women make good use of olive oil for their skin, hair and cooking. It gives them lustrous hair which is an important part of their beauty. They love to massage their skin and hair with olive oil to keep their skin and hair healthy. Olive oil has essential nutrients which is a great oil for anti aging too.

#2: Kohl. Arabian women usually cover their faces most of the time, so they beautify their eyes by making good use of kohl. They heavily line their eyes with kohl. This gives them the mysterious look too. Kohl makes them look beautiful and defines their eyes.

(*Image courtesy: pinterest)

#3: Argan Oil. Another oil which is helpful in making Arabian women beautiful is Argan Oil. Argan Oil or Moroccan Argan Oil is easily available there and hence they amply use it to make their skin and hair healthy.

#4: Hamams. There lots of Hamams which is very famous. These are places where women get spa treatments like massage, scrubs and other hot water treatments. Arabian women are into Hamams to keep their skin fresh and healthy.

#5: Miswak. This is very famous in Arab countries, people clean their teeth with small twigs of trees like neem, babul, etc. Women make use of Miswak to clean their teeth and make them white and sparkling. They always believe that beauty is something all round, including dental health.

(*Image courtesy: amazon.com)

These were the Arabian Beauty Secrets which can get us inspired. These tips will surely benefit you.

(*Main featured image courtesy: pinterest)