
Beauty Benefits Of Honey

Hi there!

By now we all know when we substitute sugar with honey in our daily cup of coffee or tea, it offers great health benefits. Honey can play a good role in slimming too. Have you ever wondered honey can also boost your beauty?  Yes, it can. Honey is an antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant…in one word “All-rounder”. It can surely boost your beauty routine. Let’s take a closer look at beauty benefits of honey.

(Image courtesy: brambleberry.com)

For acne: Apply little amount of honey onto your blemishes, rinse after 15-20 minutes. It moisturizes your skin and will fight the bacteria, which causes breakouts.

For dark circles: Mix honey and almond oil in equal proportions and apply like an eye cream as you go to bed. Then wash it off in the morning. This will fade dark circles and ease swelling under your eyes.

(Image courtesy: parenting.firstblory.com)

For wrinkles:  Mix half a ripe avocado with a spoon of honey, apply evenly onto your face and rinse after 15-20 minutes with warm water. This will hydrate dull skin and help in removing wrinkles.

(Image courtesy: jixifox.me)

For skin pampering: How about a honey bath? Mix 2-3 tablespoons of honey in 1 cup hot water. Then pour this into hot bath, relax and pamper your skin. It will be like rejuvenation.

For hair: Mix 1/2 cup of honey with 1/4 cup of olive or coconut oil and apply to your hair from roots to tip. Then rinse after 20 minutes. Do this weekly once and your hair will get that silky shine.

(Image courtesy: lifehack)

These are the beauty benefits of honey. Now you know how honey can boost your beauty, so don’t wait, give it a try. Do let’s know how honey beautified you further!

(*Main featured image courtesy: indiamart.com)