
Customize Night Creams According To Your Needs

So you have purchased a really expensive night cream and after burning the big hole in your pocket, you realize that it is not according to your expectations. May be you are not happy with the consistency or the nutrients it is delivering to your skin or you are not happy with the smell of it. But before you toss that night cream, there are ways to Customize Night Creams which will make it work for your even if it us not formulated that way.

Note: Make sure you do a patch test before following the methods so that you do not react adversely to the methods.

Concern #1: Too oily And Heavy. If the night cream that you bought is too heavy and oily, that can be worked out. For this you need a few drops of lemon juice. Just add to your night cream and apply. This will cut down the oiliness and make your night cream work for you.

Concern #2: Too Thick. If the consistency of your night cream is add too thick then you can add a little bit of aloe Vera gel to it or even a few drops of your toner will do. This will transform the consistency of your night cream and make it gel like and easy to apply.

Concern #3: Not Nourishing Enough. If you have bought a night cream which doesn’t give proper nourishment to your skin, try adding a few drops of Vitamin E oil from the Vitamin E capsules. This will provide the nourishment to your skin.

Concern #4: Too Drying. You can combat the drying effect of your night cream by adding a few drops of almond oil to it. It will instantly make your skin dewy and provide nourishment too.

Concern #5: Awful Smell. Enough though the fragrance of night Creams are pleasant, some fragrances may not go too well with us. So for an awful smell, mix one or two drops of your favorite essential oil.

These tips will help you Customize Night Creams According to your needs.