
Dark Elbow Remedy | Dark Finger Knuckles Remedy

Elbows and finger knuckles tend to become dry, rough and flaky. They also tend to become darker than the rest of the body. Dark elbow remedy helps in getting rid of the rough skin and will also help in lightening it.

Here are Simple Steps To Get Soft And Smooth Elbows and finger Knuckles:

#1 Make a scrub that will smoothen as well as lighten the elbow area. Dark elbow remedy works very well if you include lemon in them. Very popular dark elbow remedy is to take sugar powder, mix it with little lemon juice and olive oil. Scrub your dark elbows and finger knuckles with this scrub to get rid of dead skin cells.

#2 Rub Lemon wedges on dark elbows and finger knuckles. This will instantly dissolve away the dead skin cells and will reveal bright skin.

#3 Dark elbow remedy includes exfoliation as well as protection. So slather on petroleum jelly after exfoliation to provide deep hydration to the skin. You can also use Nivea cream and even Boroline will provide intense moisturization. This dark elbow remedy will soften the skin.

#3 Another remedy for dark elbows is to rub honey and lemon juice on the dark elbows. This will keep the skin soft and bright.

#4 For dark elbow remedy you can use essential oils. Always keep your elbows and finger knuckles moisturised with olive oil. This will prevent the skin from drying up. After having a bath, always put moisturiser on your hands and legs to lock in the moisture in the skin. This will provide intense natural hydration to your skin and prevent it from drying up.

(*Image courtesy: pinterest)
#5 Dark elbow remedy also involves protecting your elbows. Try to wear long sleeves which cover up your elbows. Always slather sunscreen on your hands too so that the Sun’s rays do not dry up the skin.