
Dark Smokey Eyes Makeup Guide: Tips And Tricks

Hi ladies,
Dark smokey eyes look has become the talk of the town. All of us love to flaunt our mysterious side by opting for this look. This look is also perfect for Christmas festive season. Here is Dark Smokey Eyes Makeup Guide which will help you in flaunting this look like a pro!

#1: Start With Good Primer. Prep your eye lids with moisturiser and then a good primer before even thinking of applying dark eye makeup. A good primer will help you in keeping the dark eye makeup in its place. It gives something to hold on to. So all the pigments in your earliest eye makeup will cling on to the primer. The makeup doesn’t get smudged or slip if you use a primer.

(*Image courtesy: pinterest)

#2: Use Waterproof Makeup. While there is nothing that you can do about eye shadow, make sure that you use waterproof mascara and eye liner. This will help you in avoiding the panda effect if you tend to sweat a lot. Waterproof eye liner helps in giving a definition to your eyes.

#3: Use Matte Eye Makeup. This calls for eye shadows! While you have a choice of creamy eye shadows too, don’t go for them. Opt for matte eye shadow which give a better finish to the eyes and also stay longer than creamy ones. If you are using glitter in your eye makeup, make sure you use a proper glue with it.

(*Image courtesy: pinterest)

#4: Avoid Touching. If you have a habit of touching your eyes often, don’t do it when you have dark smokey eye makeup on. Touching will spoil you makeup.

#5: Pair With Nude Lipstick. Unless you have the rocking confidence to carry off any look, it is best to pair dark smokey eye makeup with nude lipstick. Bold lips with dark smokey eye makeup looks out of the place.

(*Image courtesy: pinterest)

This is Dark Smokey Eyes Makeup Guide. Let us know your tips and tricks by commenting.

(*Main featured image courtesy: pinterest)