
Simple Steps For Skin Detoxification

We live in an age where we have to live a fast paced life in order to survive. This leaves us very little time to tend to your body and mind. Detoxification becomes a necessity in this scenario because we are unknowingly loading our body with toxins and food that is harmful to us.

We always complain that your skin is looking dull even though we are using the best products and following elaborate skin care regime. The problem lies within. We need to clean our skin from within, detoxification.
Detoxify Your Skin With Simple Steps:
#1 Have a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice and honey. This is the best antioxidant. It will help in cleaning your system as well as kick start your weight loss process.

#2 Drink lots of water through out the day. This will provide hydration to your skin and also flush out toxins and start detoxification.. You need to drink atleast 8 to 10 glases of water each day.

#3 Swap your morning milk tea and coffee with green tea. Well not only morning, you can swap your evening tea or coffee as well. Green tea comes loaded with antioxidants which control free radicals and help the body in detoxification process.

#4 Include already 30 minutes of intense cardio exercises like jogging, skipping, running, etc. In your daily routine you need to sweat it out. Sweating helps in getting rid of toxins and will also calm you mind and aid detoxification.

#5 Get regular massage. Massage tightens your muscles and relaxed your body. It also helps in draining out the toxins. Dry brushing is also a good technique to get rid of impurities in your body.

Apart from these useful tips, try to eat organic vegetables and fruits. If you can’t then atleast wash them thoroughly before eating or cooking. Try to use herbal products as much as possible. This will reduce help in detoxification.