
Instant Acne Home Remedies

Acne can pop up any time and before any important occasion when you want to look your best. Though there are many remedies which will help you get rid of acne over a period of time but sometimes you need Instant Acne Home Remedies to curb the acne. This is a requirement when you want to look your best and a sudden acne is posing a problem.

Here are Instant Acne Home Remedies which will help on curbing the acne and reducing the redness.

Remedy #1: Tea Tree Oil. If you have a bottle of tea tree oil at home then you are armed against acne. Put two or three drops of tea tree oil on cotton and place the cotton on your acne. keep it for a few hours and it will make the acne subside. It will reduce the redness too.

Remedy #2: Toothpaste. This is a common treatment for acne. It works within few hours to dry the acne. Make sure that the toothpaste which you apply is white one with fluoride. Gel toothpaste will not do the trick and also make sure that you do spot treatment only.

Remedy #3: Garlic Paste. Garlic has anti microbial and anti-septic properties. So you can apply freshly grounded garlic paste on your acne to curb it down. If you have sensitive skin, skip this because it stings to put garlic paste on acne.

Remedy #4: Sanitizer or Dettol. These two kill the germs in your skin and dry up your acne. Some even vouch for aftershave to soothe the inflamed skin.

Remedy #5: Ice. Ice is a great remedy to soothe your acne and bring down the redness. You will have to take a cube of ice and put it directly on the acne. If you find that too daunting then put a cube of ice in a towel and apply it on your acne.