
Jovees Antiseptic Anti Acne Face Pack Review

Jovees Antiseptic Anti Acne Face Pack Review.

Product Description:
Jovees Antiseptic Anti Acne Face Pack comes in a whole tube packaging with flip cap. The tube is housed in a white cardboard which bears the details of the product. Overall handy and travel friendly packaging. The Face pack is off white in colour and has a strong clove smell, the smell also has hints of tea tree. The Face pack is a clay one. Overall, this natural product smells of the ingredients that it contains and that us a good thing.

Product Claims:
This face pack contains deep cleansing property as it is a clay mask and it has the goodness of clove and tea tree in it. It reduces the lines to prevent excess oil. It is meant for oily, acne prone skin.

Product Price: It retails for 195 INR for 120gm of the product.

My Thoughts On Jovees Antiseptic Anti Acne Face Pack:
This is a decent face pack which works well for oily and able probe skin. It does purify the skin and reduce oil in essential. This in turn controls acne. The presence of powerful ingredients make it a good choice.

Pros Of Jovees Antiseptic Anti Acne Face Pack:

Cons Jovees Antiseptic Anti Acne Face Pack:

Like I said this one is a decent face pack and considering the price, you should give it a try if you have oily or acne prone skin. It is easy on pocket and contains good ingredients that breakouts. You can also use it for spot treatment if you have pimple here and there. Good one to try.