
Kama Ayurveda Sesame Oil Review

Here is all that you want to know about Kama Ayurveda Sesame Oil.

Product Description:
Kama Ayurveda Sesame Oil comes in a tinted plastic bottle with golden cap, typical Kama Ayurveda oils packaging. It is a light and clear oil. It is cold pressed Sesame oil. Cold pressed means that there is no heating during extraction of oil, which retains the benefits of oil.

Product Claims:
It says that Kama Ayurveda Sesame Oil is enriched with Vitamin E, calcium and zinc. It is a light oil which penetrates deep into the layers of the skin and neutralizes oxygen radicals which is the cause of aging and fine lines. It is a good oil for massaging the skin. It also reverses the damage caused by sun rays.

Price: It retails for 625 INR for 200ml.

My Experience With Kama Ayurveda Sesame Oil:
It is a light oil which can get used for multiple purposes. You can use for hair, skin and nails too. It works as a great oil for hair, which gives conditioning as well as bounce to your hair. You can also massage this oil on your face to give your skin the benefits of Sesame oils. It is a great anti-aging oil which will work on your wrinkles and fine lines and give you a glow.
You can also use it to massage your body too. It works to moisturise your skin and reduces stretch marks.
You can use it as cuticle oil to massage your nails.

Pros of Kama Ayurveda Sesame Oil:

Cons of Kama Ayurveda Sesame Oil:

Yes recommended if you want an anti-aging oil and want to give your skin the benefits of cold pressed natural oil. Kama Ayurveda oils do not have any fillers or mixtures. Great way to rejuvenate your skin and hair.