
Prevent Acne Breakouts With 5 Simple Changes

Acne is a cause of concern for millions across the globe. This culprit ruins the face as well self esteem of the people suffering from it. So it is important to Prevent Acne Breakouts. In summer acne problem gets aggravated. To Prevent Acne Breakouts you need to make few simple changes in your routine.
images 28 9 300x168 Prevent Acne Breakouts With 5 Simple Changes

Here are 5 simple steps that will Prevent Acne Breakouts:

Step #1: Swap your regular face wash with the one containing salicylic acid. This helps in unclogging pores and will eliminate dead skin cells which can clog pores. Salicylic acid is also a mild exfoliant which means you exfoliate your skin each time you wash your face.

Step #2: Exfoliate your skin with skin soothing mild scrub. Exfoliating is very important as it helps your skin get rid of dead skin cells and also remove impurities. Make sure that the scrub that you choose is meant for oily skin with ingredients like cucumber, Aloe Vera, green tea, etc. Do not go for a creamy scrub as it will contain oil and will leave an oily residue.

Step #3: Always wash your face after coming out from the sun, after a workout and before you go to sleep. After sweating it is very important to wash your face as sweating coats your skin with impurities that it flushes out. So clean it to enjoy healthy skin.

Step #4: Never skip moisturiser. You need to provide hydration to your skin even in summer months. So opt for a non-comedogenic, oil-free moisturiser which will provide moisturising without clogging your pores and Prevent Acne Breakouts.

Step #5: Make good use of face mists. There are loads of facial mists available in the market or you can make them at home. Keep these mists in your refrigerator and spray it several times throughout the day. This will cook your skin and Prevent Acne Breakouts.