
Remove Neck Darkening With This Simple Tip

Neck Darkening is a big problem which can happen due to skin tanning or even due to hormonal changes. You can Remove Neck Darkening with a simple do-it-yourself remedy. You need to do this at least thrice a week to get the desired result. It will get you a radiant neck.

Why does neck get darkened?
Neck gets darkened because we fail to apply sunscreen on our neck. We need to always apply sunscreen on our neck too. It also happens due to hormonal changes. Do you need to check what is causing neck darkening. It will help in treating the problem easily.

How to prepare neck whitening remedy?
You need two spoons of rice powder or rice flour. Add juice of one lemon to it. Make a paste and lightly Scrub it on your neck. After few minutes of scrubbing leave it on to dry.

After it dries, wash it off. Now you need to finely grate one potato and place it on a towel. Spread the grated potato on the towel and wind it round your neck like a muffler. The grated potato should cover your neck. Remove the towel after ten minutes. Lightly wipe with wet towel and then apply moisturiser.

This remedy will make your neck light and remove the darkness. Always apply a sunscreen on your neck every time you go out in the sun. Protecting it from sun will prevent tanning and remove darkness. Sun protection is very important to remove Neck Darkening.

If your neck is oily, always extend your toner to your neck too. Toning your neck will help you get rid of the dirt and grime that has accumulated on your neck. Using a clay mask once a week will help in removing the oiliness. Oily neck also looks dark due to accumulated dirt.