
Things You Must Sanitize For Healthy Skin

Hi there,
Have you been ardently following all the cardinal rules of skin care yet your skin is pestered with acne, breakouts and infection and your scalp has dandruff? Chances are that you are doing a very tiny mistake of making your skin and scalp the breeding ground for germs. Here are Things You Must Sanitize For Healthy Skin And Scalp. Make your hand sanitizer your best friend and cut down the chances of infection on skin.

#1: Sanitize Your Makeup Brushes. Do clean your makeup brushes on a regular basis. When you don’t have time to wash it, do spray it with sanitizer, wait for a minute and then use your makeup brushes as usual. It will make your makeup brushes germ free. The same goes for makeup sponges.

#2: Sanitize Your Mobile Phones. This is something we ignore most of the time. Mobile Phone screen presses against our skin and infused germs on it. Spray sanitizer on a tissue paper and wipe it a few times throughout the day. This is a sure shot way to keep your skin infection. Also refrain from taking your mobile phone into the loo.

#3: Sanitize Your Glasses. Whether reading glasses or sun glasses, do sanitize them from time to time to cut out the germs. This will cut down the risk of getting infection.

#4: Sanitize Your Scarf. Most of us use scarf to cover our faces. If you are using this on regular basis, don’t forget to Sanitize it on a regular basis.

#5: Sanitize Your Combs. Combs and hair brushes should be washed regularly. But if you are not doing that, try to Sanitize it. It will arrest scalp infection and make your scalp dandruff free.

Apart from this, do try to use hand sanitizer whenever you have to touch your face. This is of utmost importance.