
Treat Back Acne With These Simple Tips

Back Acne is nothing but acne that appears on your back. There are various reasons which can trigger back acne. It can be due to heat, improper personal hygiene, hormonal changes and even due to clothes made of synthetic fabrics. You can Treat Back Acne With Simple tips, though it seems quite a daunting task, it is actually easily to treat.

#1: Proper Hygiene. You should keep proper personal hygiene to treat back acne. Make sure you clean your back properly.

#2: Use Salicylic Acid Body Wash. Use a body wash that contains salicylic acid. It helps in unblocking the pores on your back and will make the acne subside. Product recommendation for this problem is Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash. It contains Salicylic acid to treat back acne.

#3: Always Exfoliate Your Back. Don’t be too harsh in exfoliating when you have back acne, but make sure you get a long handled loofah, or brush or sponge which reaches you back and lightly scrub off the dead cells.

(*Image courtesy:aliexpress.com)

#4: Treat With Lemon Juice. Lemon juice is an amazing ingredient which helps in drying out your back acne. Lightly apply lemon juice, wait for 30 minutes before you wash it off.

#5: Treat With Baking Soda. Baking soda powder alone or mixed with lemon juice is an amazing way to treat back acne. Make a paste of baking soda with lemon juice and apply it on your back acne. Let it dry for 30 minutes before washing it off.

#6: Multani Mitti With Neem. Don’t these two items just make your face acne vanish? You will get the same result when you apply this paste on your back acne. Make a paste of multani mitti, rosewater and neem powder. Apply on the affected areas of your back and leave it on to dry. Wash off after it dries.

These tips will Treat Back Acne within few days. Always wear natural fabrics like cotton and avoid wearing clothes which are too tight if you have back acne.

(*Featured Image courtesy: pinterest)