
W2 Mulberry Fairness Day Cream Review

W2 Mulberry Fairness Day Cream was an impulsive buy after I totally adored W2 Peach Ivory Moisturizer (read review here). Since I loved the moisturizer, I wanted to try out other products from the same brand. So without any further ado, let’s check it out!

What’s It Like?

It comes in a tacky plastic jar which is black in colour. It has a black scree decap to it. This cream is actually quite runny in consistency, it is more like a lotion and I don’t know why they chose to pack it in a wide mouth jar! Keeping it upright and using it is a big hassle, forget about travelling with that! The cream is off white in colour and looks like spoiled milk, if you know what I mean. It has a pleasant floral smell to it.


What’s The Claim?

It claims to lighten the skin, rich in vitamin A and has moisturising as well as anti aging benefits.


What’s The Price?

50 gm jar retails for 455 INR.

My Thoughts On W2 Mulberry Fairness Day Cream:

Well, there’s the good and then there’s the bad. I liked the fact that it is non oily, gets completely absorbed into the skin. It is a great lightweight moisturizer for oily combination skin. It does brighten the skin to a certain extent and doesn’t mess with my already messy skin. But I’m not happy with the tub packaging for a cream which is more of lotion consistency, I don’t dig the day creams which don’t come with SPF protection.


The Yays ?

The Nays ?

Diaries9 Rating: 3/5


No, I prefer the W2 Peach Ivory Moisturizer, but not this one. There are other great options like Olay Natural White Day Cream (read review here).