
Wrong Skin Care Habits Secretly Aging Skin

We try to do the best for our skin. We follow the best skin care regime. But there are Wrong Skin Care Habits Secretly Aging Skin. You will be caught unaware by the numerous things that you are doing wrong.
images 40 7 300x166 Wrong Skin Care Habits Secretly Aging Skin

(*Image courtesy: pinterest)

#1 Using Harsh Face washes: Using harsh Face washes strips oil from your skin. This makes skin dry and prone to damage. You need a face wash which cleans your skin without stripping it off its natural oils.

#2 Skipping Sunscreen: This is a major sin which almost every woman is guilty of. Sunscreen is a must. Sun’s rays break down the elasticity of skin. They also burn the skin and dry it up. So make sure you use a proper sunscreen with broad spectrum. Even on cloudy day.

#3 Wiping Your Face Vigorously: This is one of the most common Wrong Skin Care Habits Secretly Aging Skin You should never wipe your skin too roughly with towel. You must pay dry your face. Wiping too roughly damages the elasticity of your skin and makes it prone to fine lines.

#4 Not Lying Down With Face Pack On: This is one of the most sneaky Wrong Skin Care Habits Secretly Aging Skin. If you apply face pack make sure that you lie down at one place. Walking here and there will pull your facial skin downwards which will give rise to sagging of your skin. Also avoid speaking while face pack on.

#5 Using Too Many Clay Based Face Packs: This is one of Wrong Skin Care Habits Secretly Aging Skin. Using too many clay masks more than twice a week will lead to dry skin which becomes prone to sagging and aging.

#6 Not Drinking Enough Water: Both drinking enough water leads to dehydration and your skin is the first to show signs of dehydration. It gets wrinkled and prolonged dehydration will have irreparable effect on skin.

Do these are the Wrong Skin Care Habits Secretly Aging Skin. Take care and keep these habits in mind.